The Mission of the Church

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

The New Testament You Never Knew series. Session 7: Whether you are new to the Covenant family or have been here from its origins, our adoption of a new logo [...]

Adult Ed: The Creation of the New Testament

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Final Session of The New Testament You Never Knew Series Michael Bird begins this session noting: “The Bible didn’t fall out of the sky, bound in leather, with the words of [...]

Dancing Our Prayers (POSTPONED)

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

This event has been POSTPONED and will be rescheduled. ____________ Covenant United Methodist Church will be hosting Mending Wings ministry from Yakima in their presentation of “Dancing Our Prayers.” This [...]

Refresher on CPR, AED machine, and Lifevac use

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Please join us February 11 after worship in Room 8/10. We will have Matt Zerbe here teaching a class about the AED machine, CPR, going over heart attack vs. Cardiac Arrest and [...]

Anti-Racism & Civil Rights Through Film

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Tom Robinson and Pastor Megan Madsen will be leading this class as we look at issues of systemic racism and other civil rights issues by watching films and discussing how [...]

Adult Ed: A New Story About Climate Change

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

What if we could tell ourselves a new story about climate change—and, in doing, so, alter our relationship to our planet? With larger, longer wildfire seasons, accelerating species extinction, ocean [...]

Adult Ed: Fast Fashion: A War on Women, the Poor & the Planet

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Presented by Dr. Pat McCormick. Today’s fast fashion, pressuring young women to buy ever more clothing, produces 150 billion garments a year (up 800% since 2000), usually worn 10 times. [...]

Adult Ed “Love Abides: The Sacrament of Grief”

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Grief is a universal human experience. If we live, we experience loss and will need to grieve. Yet if we’re honest, most of us never learned healthy means of processing [...]

Adult Ed: UMC General Conference Update

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

This week in Adult Ed, Pastor Megan will be giving an overview of some of the changes coming out of the United Methodist Church’s General Conference. For those with specific [...]

Event Series Summer Youth Group

Summer Youth Group

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Our youth groups are age-specific. The older group (grades 7-12) meets every Sunday night from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the church to have fun and to learn about the [...]

Event Series Summer Youth Group

Summer Youth Group

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Our youth groups are age-specific. The older group (grades 7-12) meets every Sunday night from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the church to have fun and to learn about the [...]

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