Adult Ed: The Doctrine of Discovery Today

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Facilitator: Lenore Three Stars The adult education team is pleased to welcome Lenore Three Stars to our adult education program this week. Lenore was employed by the Office for Civil [...]

Adult Ed: Writing as an Act of Faith

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Presenter: Gordon Jackson Gordon Jackson, a member of Covenant UMC since 2015, is a retired journalism professor and an author of 17 books. He came from South Africa to the [...]

UMW Monthly Meeting

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

UMW is a group of women making positive changes in our church, community, and world. UMW meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. We usually meet [...]

Adult Ed: Approaching Fiction Christianly

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Presenter: Gordon Jackson Gordon Jackson, a member of Covenant UMC since 2015, is a retired journalism professor and an author of 17 books. He came from South Africa to the [...]

Adult Ed: U.S. Christian Nationalism Today

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Presenter: Dr. David Harrington Adult Education for Sunday, November 21, 2021. David's topic this morning will be to explore the concept that has been in our midst since the founding [...]

Tree Lighting – First Sunday of Advent

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

Join us for a brief service to welcome the season of Advent, capped by the lighting of our "Christmas Tree".  Open to all in the neighborhood!

UMW Monthly Meeting

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

UMW is a group of women making positive changes in our church, community, and world. UMW meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. We usually meet [...]

UMW Monthly Meeting

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

UMW is a group of women making positive changes in our church, community, and world. UMW meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. We usually meet [...]

New Member Class Part 1

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

What is a Methodist? What does it mean to be a “member” at Covenant UMC? How can I get more involved? What do we believe anyways? Do I have to [...]

New Member Class Part 2

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 N. Gleneden, Spokane, WA, United States

What is a Methodist? What does it mean to be a “member” at Covenant UMC? How can I get more involved? What do we believe anyway? Do I have to [...]

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