Fun for Everyone! December 1st, 6:00 pm Finger-food potluck, please bring your favorite finger-food to share. Kid's activities Carol singing And the focus of the the tree to spread [...]

2024-11-20T11:41:07-08:00November 20, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Dr. Pat McCormick presents on April 14th. Today’s fast fashion, pressuring young women to buy ever more clothing, produces 150 billion garments a year (up 800% since 2000), usually worn [...]

2024-04-08T10:46:43-07:00April 8, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Session 7: Whether you are new to the Covenant family or have been here from its origins, our adoption of a new logo seeks to portray a community of faith [...]

2023-12-05T16:23:39-08:00December 5, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Adult Ed December 19th

Topic:  The Second Coming of Jesus:  Horror Movie or Hope? Presenter:  Pastor Megan Madsen There are a number of people who speculate we are living in a time when Christ [...]

2021-12-15T13:53:55-08:00December 15, 2021|Categories: Adult Ed, Events, Uncategorized|
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