Covenant Women in Mission are holding a Sock Drive during January & February. These socks would benefit the homeless youth of Spokane who visit Cup of Cool Water. This local [...]
Annual Sister Church Scholarship Drive Now Live!
Since 1989, Covenant UMC has had a sister church relationship with Buenas Nuevas Lutheran Church in El Paisnal, El Salvador. We have developed deep relationships between our two congregations and [...]
Churches’ Ties Open Opportunities
Published in The Fig Tree by Mary Stamp: Simple acts of sharing love between Covenant United Methodist Church (UMC) in North Spokane and Buenas Nuevas Lutheran Church in El Paisnal, El [...]
Opportunities of Compassion
We support – both in service and in physical donations– several local organizations that serve those in need: Shalom Ministries, New Hope Resource Center, and Family Promise of Spokane. Watch [...]