Adult Ed: The Night of the Unsheltered Homeless: Part II
March 27, 2022 Presenter: Maurice Smith If you were in attendance in our adult education program last week when Maurice Smith introduced us to the realities of homeless folks in [...]
March 27, 2022 Presenter: Maurice Smith If you were in attendance in our adult education program last week when Maurice Smith introduced us to the realities of homeless folks in [...]
March 20, 2022 Presenter: Maurice Smith We all have had some experience with the homeless people in Spokane. You have seen the person with a sign standing on the corner [...]
February 27, 2022 Presenter: David Yarbrough In the first two class sessions of February, David helped us through the first two-thirds of Diana Butler Bass’s new book, Freeing Jesus. In [...]
February 20, 2022 – Presenter: Ray Archuleta We are meeting in person and on Zoom this week. Mr. Archuleta was in Spokane speaking to primarily farmers and ranchers last year [...]
February 13, 2022, Presenter: David Yarbrough This week’s class is a continuation of our exploration of Diana Butler Bass’s new book and videos on how her view of Jesus has [...]
February 6, Presenter: David Yarbrough Have you met David Yarbrough? Have you heard him preach? David is a member of our congregation. You may have heard that he started preaching [...]
January 30th Presenter: Pete Enns We are all relational people. We come into the world totally dependent on our caregivers to be in a relationship with us. Our images of our caregivers [...]
January 23, 2022, 10:20 am Presenter: Joe Ader Family Promise is a non-profit with a ministry to families of all configurations in Spokane who are in or facing homelessness. Their [...]
January 16, 2022 We are going to meet on Zoom about 10 minutes after the close of the worship service. This week we are going to look at the issue [...]
Topic: The Second Coming of Jesus: Horror Movie or Hope? Presenter: Pastor Megan Madsen There are a number of people who speculate we are living in a time when Christ [...]