March 27, 2022
Presenter: Maurice Smith
If you were in attendance in our adult education program last week when Maurice Smith introduced us to the realities of homeless folks in Spokane, you are eager to see the second half of the film, The Night of the Unsheltered Homeless. If you were not present, you will not want to miss the second half of the film. It is a stunning and sobering presentation. If you want to see the first half before you join us, go to YouTube and enter the title of the film and watch the first 45 minutes.
We welcome once again Maurice Smith, executive director of River Rising Media and the executive producer of “My Road Leads Home,” a documentary series on homelessness in our city. Maurice has served on the Leadership Team of the Spokane Homeless Coalition and on the planning committee of the Spokane Homeless Connect. He has produced seven full-length documentaries on homelessness along with several documentary short films, such as his latest short film, Shelters, Not Fences. After more than 15 years working among the homeless of Spokane, Maurice has extensive knowledge of what people experience when plunged into homelessness, why they have ended up there, and what they are facing to climb out of it.
In order to educate people, Maurice recently produced a new film entitled: The Night of the Unsheltered Homeless. He will use the second half of this new film to help us explore the truth about homelessness on the streets of our communities, the need for low-barrier shelters, and the importance of a broader community discussion of issues and possible solutions. We hope you will join us for this informative presentation.
The class will begin on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. in person in rooms 13 and 14 or on Zoom. The Zoom link is ID: 976 0612 3777. There is no passcode. Just put in the ID.