This week’s topic is Phantom Power. Did you know that when appliances or electronic devices are plugged in, they’re draining energy – even if they’re not in use? Phantom power, or standby power, refers to the energy used when devices are plugged in and using power, but you’re not actively using them. Some sources estimate that up to 75% of the energy our devices draw is phantom power! Just think of how many things are plugged into our outlets; simply pushing “off” or taking something from its charger doesn’t really turn it off, it just goes into standby mode. That computer, TV, coffee maker, phone charger, even that electric toothbrush still draws power while it’s plugged in.

What to do? The simple answer is to unplug everything when not in use. That’s tricky with hard-to-reach things like appliances, TVs, computers, etc. Instead, plug them into a power strip that’s easy to reach. Group items like computer, printer, monitor onto one power strip and turn them all off at once. Plug several device chargers into one power strip and turn them all off when not charging. There are also “smart” power strips with built-in timers, motion detectors and auto-shut offs! Some utility companies now have smart meters that allow you to track hourly usage to see how much energy is used at night or when no one is home. Don’t let phantom power haunt you!