Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in person or online.

To watch our services live online go to our YouTube channel or Facebook page. Live videos begin on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. To watch recorded worship videos go to the YouTube channel and select the Worship Within Us playlist.


We are delighted that you found us. We envision this site as a “front porch,” where you can come and find out about us in a very comfortable manner, and learn more about many facets of our life together. Feel free to browse through and see if there is a meaningful way for you to connect… to connect with the Divine Source of our life, to connect with other folks who are passionate and engaged, and to connect with the world around us!

Here at Covenant United Methodist Church we believe in the image of God in all persons. We strive to practice “Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors” with regards to all. We believe in the full-personhood and full inclusion of historically marginalized people groups, including but not limited to People of Color, the LGBTQIA+ community, women, the disabled, those living in poverty, and other groups. We acknowledge and lament that the Church has not always embodied the ways of Jesus and has often participated in and supported systems of oppression. We strive to shed ourselves of these idols and live in solidarity and support of the oppressed. When we say, “All are welcome!” we mean, “All means all.”

For our community, we will not “hide our light under a bushel basket.” This is who we are and what we are all about. You are invited to come and explore our community of faith in whatever way is meaningful for you.

We pray that you might find our community of faith a place of newfound relevance for your spiritual searching – a place where you don’t necessarily go to find the “right” answers, but a place to explore your questions and your faith.  We strive to be a diverse place, that requires us to engage with one another grounded in the love of God.

October 2024 Message Series:
Do Unto Others 

Oct. 6th – Beyond the Parties: Kindness

Oct. 13th – The Polarization Within: Compassion

Oct. 20th – Listen More, Speak Less: Humility

Oct. 27th – Malice Toward None: Love

From the Pastor’s Desk

June 12, 2024|Community, From the Pastor's Desk|

On Tuesday, June 4th, I had the honor of attending the Interfaith Pride Service at the Central Public Library. The theme was “Never Gonna Hide: Let Our Light Shine.” The service was a beautiful example of different religious traditions coming [...]

Recent Posts

Trunk or Treat 2024

October 4, 2024|Celebration, Community, Events, Featured|

Covenant's Trunk or Treat will be Sunday, October 27th from 2-5. Please invite friends and family. This is open to our neighborhood community and will be a great opportunity for us to get to know [...]


Our church is convinced that the Christian faith addresses all aspects of our lives – including spiritual, physical, social, and political. Our educational topics reflect this holistic approach. These programs are offered as Community Classroom events or in our Sunday adult education classes after worship each week.

Health & Wellness

Nurturing both mind and body is one of our core missions. Our beautiful building is a place for activities like Yoga, Tai Chi, Pickle Ball, and more. Events like our Seasonal Feasts celebrate nutritional health using gifts from our own community garden.

Creation Care

We take seriously our role in sustainability and forward-thinking creation care ideas, whether it comes from our beautiful community gardens, or educational programs and research about environmental issues.

Compassion & Justice

As Christians, we are called to do Acts of Compassion and Acts of Justice. Compassion is showing kindness to another person. Justice is an action that creates a change that makes things fairer in our community or world.

Featured Programs and Activities

Dancing Our Prayers – Nov 2nd, 4:00pm

Dancing Our Prayers is a team of Native American students from the Yakama Nation who travel locally, regionally, and nationally sharing spirituality and ways of life as followers of the Jesus way and members of the Yakama Nation. Students drum, dance in full regalia, perform dramas with a positive message, and share testimonies, as well as share about conciliation, justice, and healing between the Church and Native America. They are a part of Mending Wings, a native lead faith-based non-profit organization.

Covenant UMC will host the group in the gym on Saturday, November 2nd, at 4pm.

Coeur d’Alene Community UMC will host the group for Sunday worship on November 3rd at 10am.

We hope churches in the greater Spokane area will come together for this unique opportunity to learn about Native American culture and justice issues.

A new northside preschool is opening! Registration for The Children’s Garden Preschool begins March 4, 2024 and enrollment is limited. They are located inside Covenant United Methodist Church.

For more information visit their website or Facebook page.

Eden Community Gardens is a partner program with Covenant. Have you seen the raised beds and beautiful fountain north of our building?  Learn more about its mission here.

Our Sister Church

More than 25 years ago, Covenant established a sister church relationship with Buena Nuevas Lutheran Church in El Salvador. Through delegation visits and other communication over the years, we have formed a deep friendship with the community and assisted our sister church in many ways. We strongly feel that education is the best way to make a long-term difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters. We offer scholarships for students, K-12, and assist post-high school students with their studies. Consider giving toward scholarships – either through our online giving portal (and designating to Sister Church), or marking your check with Sister Church Scholarships.

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.